Durga Prasad Kakileti

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About Me 📝

Durga Prasad Kakileti

As a B.Tech enthusiast in Computer Science, I embark on my educational journey at the esteemed halls of PYDAH College of Engineering 🎓.

Skills: Web Development, React.js, Basics of Java and Python 🔧

Projects 🚧

  • Currency Converter: A simple currency converter web application 💱
  • Simple Calculator: Basic calculator functionality implemented in a web app ➕➖✖️➗
  • Countdown Timer: A web-based countdown timer application ⏳

Projects 🛠️

Currency Converter 💱

A simple currency converter web application.

This project allows users to convert currencies quickly and easily.

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Simple Calculator ➕➖✖️➗

Basic calculator functionality implemented in a web app.

This project provides a user-friendly calculator for performing basic arithmetic operations.

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Countdown Timer ⏳

A web-based countdown timer application.

This project allows users to set timers for various purposes, such as events, meetings, or deadlines.

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Contact Me 📬

Feel free to reach out to me through the following channels: